the new normal

October 19, 2009

For the past several weeks I’ve been wondering if things would go back to normal. If my body would go back to the way it was. If our sleep would even out a little bit. If my time would become my own again.

But I’m learning there’s no such thing as normal. There’s only a new normal, and this changes daily. I just have to accept it.

Week after week, Henry teaches me to be flexible and open-minded. He reminds me to rest and relax. Lately, he’s even been making me laugh. And a hearty dose of laughter goes a long way when you realize you have little control over much else.


  1. rama says:

    he’s been giving me epiphanies too!

  2. elk says:

    welcome to motherhood…and i mean that in a very positive way…mine are 17 and 21 and I learned more about life from them then anything else…blessings elk

  3. mcdl says:

    Thanks for your recent posts about motherhood, the birth, the “new normal.” I’m due to give birth in the next few weeks, to my first child (a boy). It really helps to know that we are all built for change, and that we are always works in progress. :)

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