
May 19, 2009

At the beginning of my pregnancy, I had grand plans of the stories I’d tell and the records I’d keep during this big adventure, but three months have zoomed by with not too many tales to tell—and not much energy to tell the ones I do have.

My days are spent continuing to work with frequent meals and trips to the bathroom. My nights are usually spent on the sofa, watching my belly, waiting for our little boy wonder’s acrobatics to begin. Rama and I are making the most of our time together while we’re still a He & I (including a babymoon). And we’re trying to stay connected with our friends and family, both near and far.

The questions I get asked most often these days are:

Q: How are you feeling?
A: Pretty good! A few aches and pains, but nothing major. Lately, I am hungry every two hours and I pee every 15 minutes.

Q: Have you had any cravings?
A: Oh yes. At the beginning, I wanted In-N-Out every week. There were 3 or 4 weeks when I couldn’t get enough of Breyer’s heath bar ice cream. Salad has always sounded good to me. And then there are the days when I’ve woken up needing a certain something, like a meatball sandwich or waffles or clam chowder or fried chicken or fresh strawberries or sushi (I’ve kept away from sashimi, don’t worry).

Q: When is the baby due, again?
A: August 17.

Three months to go, and it feels both like an eternity and a blink of an eye. I am so excited for the next chapter in our lives, but I also want to savor this time, right here, right now.


  1. inna says:

    after the lazy stage comes the nesting stage. most people say this is when you clean compulsively. in your case, i think it won’t just be the cleaning. you’ll most likely get a surge of creative energy. i can’t wait to see all the pretty little things you’ll make :)

    take care, and again…enjoy each and every day.

  2. devlyn says:

    August 17th is a fantastic day on which to be born, I should know. ^_^
    I feel like a bit of a lurker because I’ve been reading your site for something like 9 years and have maybe commented twice (and I think submitted once to the “good things” list). I’m so happy for you guys and know that the boy wonder will be absolutely perfect in every way.

  3. heather says:

    thanks for sharing – wishing you and Rama the very best!

  4. toni says:

    Oooh we’re just a week apart! :) My due date’s around the 26th! Hope all is well!

  5. stacy says:

    this made me giggle because everytime is see you, I’m all, “how are you feeling?” “when are you due again?” hee hee.

    such a beautiful time to savor! love that you are enjoying it all.

    LOVED seeing you yesterday! smooches to you, Rama and your belly.


  6. wendy says:

    so close, yet so far.
    sooo excited for the three of you.

  7. lisa s says:

    what wenders said….

    get any sleep you can now! seriously!

  8. Ana Rencontres says:

    One month to go now. I am surprised you didn’t update your blog lately because the third trimester is the one when all the big changes occur. The belly grows every day and the kicking goes on and on. Good lick with the birth giving!

  9. AJ says:

    This is so exciting! You are having a baby! Good luck ( :

  10. kris says:

    I’m just seeing this! My brother’s birthday is Aug 17–it’s a good day.

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