lifelong lesson

March 19, 2009

Pregnancy, I’m finding, is a lesson in patience.

Patience with my body, as it shifts and grows and transforms, bringing new rules, emotions, sensations and pains.

Patience with others, as my hormones tint my view, sometimes making me a little bit nuts.

Patience with our baby, as I eagerly await any information I can get — first a heartbeat, then an ultrasound silhouette, and then, finally, meeting our little Mystery Hughes.

I am not the woman I was in October when pregnancy was just a wish, and I can’t possibly be. That is, I have to admit, a sometimes difficult realization.

Don’t get me wrong. I would not change anything for the world. I am very happily expecting. I am just not accepting some of the changes as gracefully as I would like to be. But I’m learning. I am trying. And that is, I know, all I can do.


  1. K says:

    I used to lurk around your site all the time and somehow have lost track for ages, until today…

    You’re expecting?! What a lovely thing to discover on this first day of spring!

    I will have to snoop around, reading some of the entries I’ve missed, and seeing some of the other wonderful things you’ve been up to.

    I imagine that having a baby isn’t easy…I don’t have any of my own. But I’ll bet that with as creative as you are, this new person in your life will inspire you even further.

    Congratulations and be well…

  2. x says:

    I must have been away, because i have totally missed your pregnancy announcement! big big congratulations!! the reason i have missed it might be that i recently found out im pregnant too, so im living in an exhausted haze at the moment :) it does indeed demand patience! (ps. im anonymous cause i haven’t yet made the pregnancy public :))

  3. lisa s says:

    it IS all you can do. some things will get easier and some will be harder…. just give yourself some space and time.

    AND – i can’t STRESS this enough. do some things just for YOU. seriously.

  4. Samantha says:

    I’ve been thinking about how you and someone I know are pregnant. There is beauty in everything it takes to bring a child into this world.

  5. Laure says:

    Just reading this, put me right back onto the pregnant women planet. Because, once you’ve delivered, this it it. This state of being, is so incredible, every minute of it is such an experience, new, disturbing, wonderful, physical and also so intimate… and it is out there for everybody to see it, and share it. You cannot avoid that. Take great advantage of every minute, your life is changing forever under your very eyes, and there will be no turning back! and it is magnificent… i have been there once, four years ago, maybe i will again in my life, but i am so glad, i lived that… have fun, and congratulations!

  6. wendy says:

    everything that lisa said.
    i love j – but i wasn’t all glowy & lovey when I was pregnant.

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