darling letterpress calendars

February 2, 2009

My friend Maria and I collaborated this year on a letterpress calendar for a design client promo. I drew the illustrations, and she designed and headed up the printing. So far, client feedback has been wonderful, and I am already itching for another letterpress project.

In the meantime, I have a few left over and am selling them in my shoppe. Perfect for those procrastinators who have yet to buy their 2009 calendars!


  1. rama says:

    these are even more beautiful in person! i can’t decide if i should hang mine at work cuz it’s too precious for my kids’ dirty fingers. hmm…

  2. wendy says:

    i love the little trio action.

  3. Bonnie Rue aka Model Citizen says:

    Ooh – I love how simple and lovely they are. Soo clean looking.

  4. christine s. says:

    I smile every time I see mine hanging in the kitchen : ) Can’t wait to see what other beautiful things you create!

  5. stacy says:

    oooh oooh oooh… CUTE.

  6. j says:

    i am so excited – just ordered mine – it will go all the way to berlin, germany. your art travels the world!

  • I'm Christine, and this is a slice of my life—a sweet, rich, wildly indulgent slice that would taste really good with a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream. Read more >>

  • I run a darling, friendly, little graphic design studio.
    I look on the bright side.
    I take photos. Lots of photos.
    I wish on stars and on websites.

  • I built my first web site 7 years ago and got 15 seconds of fame. (It changed my life.)
    I launched, then relaunched, an online magazine.
    I admitted to several embarrassing crushes.
    I consumed more bacon than any human should and lived to tell the tales.

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