February 2009
So, as if one big change weren’t enough, Family Hughes is moving. To a little house a couple miles away. Next week. And we’ve just started packing. I had grand plans for cleaning and purging months in advance, packing a box or two a day, and keeping the last-minute tasks to a minimum, but my […]
Read more >>spilt beans
The truth is I’ve been avoiding you. I’ve been harboring a delicious secret, and the only way I knew to keep it quiet was to keep away. But now, my friends, I’m ready to share some news: I’m 12 weeks pregnant! I had a sneaking suspicion I was long before I took the test, but […]
Read more >>darling letterpress calendars
My friend Maria and I collaborated this year on a letterpress calendar for a design client promo. I drew the illustrations, and she designed and headed up the printing. So far, client feedback has been wonderful, and I am already itching for another letterpress project. In the meantime, I have a few left over and […]