tapping it in
January 16, 2006Where do I even begin?
When my art supplies and dirty clothes and precious gifts are in a pile by the door, when I miss the music and dancing, the laughter and crying, the sharing and understanding, when I just want to hear the voices one more time saying “Me too” and “I have been there” and “It is going to be okay.” When I am sitting alone in my make-shift make-believe studio in the corner of my bedroom, filled to the brim with inspiration and love and longing, where do I go now?
I don’t know.
But I do know that there is comfort in the not knowing, in the questions, in the uncharted road ahead, and I know that I am not alone in any of it. If I ever doubt it, I just need to remember my dear and darling friends, my fellow artists and dreamers and doers, the other kickass women who are in this with me.
(I miss you, girls.)

I miss you too. COME BACK!!
i can’t believe how much i miss you.
i feel teary about it, but in a warm, lovey way.
you and your playfullness rock my world. how i yearn to hug you one more time.
oh oh oh… how i love my women folk friends….thank you all, my sweet tribe. so good to know you are all out there, …im going to make it after all.
Welcome back ,Christine!
You and your website MAKE ME HAPPY…When L.A gets overwhelming…and Argentina feels too far away ,you remind me that there’s sunshine and kindness everywhere :-)
Keep up your Wonderful work!!
When you’re sitting in your corner studio, know that we are all with you, like little sparkly bits of dust floating around to whisper inspiration in you ear. Oh, and you can also pick up the phone and call, any time.
hey..i think i’m close to argentina – i’ll send you some positive creative and warm caribbean vibes.
My new blog isn’t up yet..nor is my site but i’m working on it! will post you a link when i can -till then…think of the possibilities of your new environment and have fun with it. Everyone is just a click away.