
August 11, 2009

The night I finished the last of my Darling projects, I fell asleep on the sofa and had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a good long while. (And by “best night’s sleep” I mean, I got up every four hours instead of two, and was able to sleep in past 6:30am because my hips were not throbbing with pain.)

I woke up happy, well-rested and with a sudden urge to organize. I washed the last of the new baby clothes. I tidied up the bathroom drawers, tossing out expired vitamins and toiletries. I arranged and rearranged the books on my nightstand.

By the time I got to the kitchen and found myself kneeling by the cabinet below the sink, sorting through the rows of cleaning supplies, folding paper bags and tying plastic ones into little neat knots, I realized, Oh, I’m nesting!

With the heroic help of our parents, many house tasks on our to-do list all summer have been accomplished at light speed. In just one week, the nursery—previously used as storage—has been cleared out. Boxes that have remained unmoved and unpacked since we first arrived in March have been emptied and dumped into the recycling bin. Bookcases have been built, and books have been shelved. Art has been hung.

The house is not just starting to feel like a home. It’s starting to feel like our home, and I cannot wait to bring our son into it.


  1. rama says:


  2. tracy says:

    i always wished I could bottle up that nesting energy and overdose on it!

    yay! i can’t wait to see what you’ve done with the place- now rest up honey!

  3. wendy says:

    I can’t wait either!!!
    so close – I think I had Jasper the week after I went into nesting mode. congrats on finishing all the projects!

  4. chelsea says:

    Huzzah for nesting! I experience it once a month but diluted to about 50% strength. I can just imagine what I might be like if I get pregnant. Watch out messy study and spare room!

  5. chris plamann says:

    enjoy these last moments of anticipation. some of my sweetest memories of motherhood are of those last days of pregnancy when the wonderment was just so sweet. all of those sleepless nights spend wondering what color hair she’d have, what her voice would sound like, what breastfeeding would be like … the wondering is so innocent and pure, enjoy it.

  6. chris plamann says:

    (i just got all warm and fuzzy and smiley just remembering that!)

  7. Elizar says:

    hey, yeah, “nesting”… I learned about that word when my wife was pregnant on our first baby… I read it in Panic Book, What every first dad needs to know. :)

  8. Nicole says:

    I stumbled across pictures of your lovely office on Flicker, which in turn led me to your website. I work at Whitney English, and we run a Desk feature on our blog (… and I would love to feature your office and business! If you are interested, please email me back. Until then, best wishes!

  9. Claudia says:

    Aw, that is so lovely :) makes me remember when I as nesting and cleaning everything like crazy.

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