always the girl

August 21, 2008

Squam is in less than three weeks, and I’m going! A great big thank you to everyone who purchased a print. Your support means the world to me. The sales have helped fund my trip in a big way. There are still prints available, and I hope to launch the second in the series within the next two weeks. Keep your eyes peeled.

As the retreat approaches, I can’t help but feel more and more like a 15-year-old girl about to head to summer camp with all the silly thoughts and questions that come with it: What should I pack? Who will my roommate be? Will she be cool? Will I make friends? Will I feel totally out of place? (Like, ohmigod!)

I keep reminding myself that one of the reasons I wanted to go in the first place is to see friends I already have and to revel together in our artsy fartsy girly glory, and that it is a guaranteed good time.

So needless to say, I’m excited. And the only thing keeping me from going completely mad with anticipation is all the other things I have to do before then.


  1. maria says:

    so jealous.

  2. rebecca says:

    you’re going to have the best time…can’t wait to hear all about it!

  3. Fran says:

    Great news! Hooray!

  4. rama says:

    i already miss you, beautiful.

  • I'm Christine, and this is a slice of my life—a sweet, rich, wildly indulgent slice that would taste really good with a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream. Read more >>

  • I run a darling, friendly, little graphic design studio.
    I look on the bright side.
    I take photos. Lots of photos.
    I wish on stars and on websites.

  • I built my first web site 7 years ago and got 15 seconds of fame. (It changed my life.)
    I launched, then relaunched, an online magazine.
    I admitted to several embarrassing crushes.
    I consumed more bacon than any human should and lived to tell the tales.

  • 5-Minute Crush
  • Baby Mama
  • Crafterrific
  • Field Trip
  • Good People
  • Good Things
  • Home Life
  • I Spy
  • Kitchenista
  • Newsflash
  • Shutterbug
  • Sketchbook
  • Special Delivery
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  • Worker Bee