
January 25, 2001

that wasn’t what i meant to say at all, but sometimes the words just don’t fit.

in the past week: mingling with rockstars, 1am sobriety checks, surprise emails from old friends, conversations with new ones, greasy slices of pepperoni pizza and spoonfuls of ice cream and smiles so wide they span both coasts.

frankly, i don’t know how i keep my head on straight. it keeps spinning and spinning. and i have bad enough balance to begin with.


  • I'm Christine, and this is a slice of my life—a sweet, rich, wildly indulgent slice that would taste really good with a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream. Read more >>

  • I run a darling, friendly, little graphic design studio.
    I look on the bright side.
    I take photos. Lots of photos.
    I wish on stars and on websites.

  • I built my first web site 7 years ago and got 15 seconds of fame. (It changed my life.)
    I launched, then relaunched, an online magazine.
    I admitted to several embarrassing crushes.
    I consumed more bacon than any human should and lived to tell the tales.

  • 5-Minute Crush
  • Baby Mama
  • Crafterrific
  • Field Trip
  • Good People
  • Good Things
  • Home Life
  • I Spy
  • Kitchenista
  • Newsflash
  • Shutterbug
  • Sketchbook
  • Special Delivery
  • Today
  • Worker Bee