yes, we did

November 5, 2008

I have been afraid to talk about the election, nervous that my hope would sound naive, worried that any prediction would somehow jinx us, fearful that I would be let down like I was before. But today my heart is filled with gladness.

Rama and I fell asleep earlier than usual last night. Before dozing off, Obama had won 207 electoral votes, and the West Coast numbers had yet to come in. I knew that Obama would be our new president but was hesitant to admit it until I saw it in writing.

A couple hours later, Rama woke me up as if we were two kids on Christmas morning. “Let’s see if we have a new president!”

And we did. We do.

We gathered around my macbook and watched Obama’s beautiful and moving acceptance speech online, grasping each other’s hands tightly while tears fell down our face.

I am moved by Obama.
I am honored by the people who volunteered, giving countless hours to the cause we believe in.
I am proud of the people who voted for the first time, for those who had to wait in line for hours just to exercise their right, for those who voted despite their fears.
I am inspired by the faith and the courage and the energy that has surfaced and spread throughout our nation.
I am hopeful that things will get better. There, I said it. I am hopeful. I am.

Earlier this summer, I started joking that I’d be moving to the south of France if this election went awry. But today, there is no other place I’d rather be. Today, I am so proud to be right here.


  1. melissa says:

    I am with you. So very happy, inspired, and proud.

  2. Carla Sonheim says:

    Me too. Thank you for sharing so beautifully.

  3. lisaann says:

    but the south of france ain’t so bad, yo. i’ll be there one day – maybe in 8 years? hee. at least come visit. xo

  4. lisa s says:

    i was with you on the not wanting to saying anything…. but it’s here. it’s here

  5. rama says:

    i’m so happy!

  6. alissa says:

    i felt exactly the same way prior to election day! isn’t it wonderful to bask in the hope and excitement of our new president elect?

    yes we can and yes we did!

  7. kim says:

    chills, such chills. i feel the hope too. isn’t it the best?

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