Dates to remember*
December 30, 2003When I was in junior high and high school, one of my favorite things to do at the end of a year was sit on my bed with a blank calendar and a pile of colored pens. I loved reading my old calendar to see what I did that year and marking the new one with events, stars and scribbles. It was an exercise in memory and anticipation. Evey little square represented a world of possibility.
I still enjoy that sort of thing, and I’m just aching for a quiet moment so I can christen my new calendar and diary, reminisce about the precious past year and look forward to the year ahead.
* Today, for example, is my big brother’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Tom2. I miss you.
I love your site so much! It’s simple and cute =) I adore it!!
Hey Christine, I just surfed on over to your site recently, and I absolutely love it! You are a beautiful writer and artist. I just wanted to say hi, and that I also *love* marking up new calendars and planners and fun stuff like that. I’m waiting for my planner to be shipped to me (I ordered it online) and then I can’t wait to make it all colorful and fun! Keep up the awesome work, and Happy 2004!
this site really does make one feel good about things. it’s so positive. i’m not usually a “sunshine and smiles” kinda gal but i think i’ll be visiting this site more often, whenever i get tired of all the ‘gloom’ and ‘angst’ of daily life. =)
i love your website. very neat and lovely. creative and original too. =) keep it up!
I’d like to have a website of my own just like yours…so real…simple…cute…and funny…someday…
Life is like an onion: you peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes
you weep.
— Carl Sandburg