tiny treasure

August 13, 2008

Calder and me
Me and Calder

I met Calder last week, and he is like nothing and everything I’d imagined. His eyes change from blue to gray and his skin from pink to brown. He has a million facial expressions. He is tiny and adorable and precious. And he seemed to change and grow so much in the five days that I spent with him.

I kept thinking, “If I already love this baby so much, how much more will I love my very own?”

On the last evening of my visit, Mom and I went upstairs to change Calder’s diaper. After changing him, then oohing and aahing over him, I picked him up from the table, rested him on my shoulder and walked toward the stairs. Just the day before, I was feeling clumsy and nervous. But already I was feeling more sure of myself.

“Maybe you are ready!” Mom said.

I nodded. Maybe I am.


  1. tracy says:

    ooooh! join the club girlfriend!

  2. melissa says:

    so beautiful!

  3. caryn says:

    oooh! he’s so cute; i’m wary of babies below 6 months; they seem so fragile. but i love the feeling of holding a baby in your arms, and the sound of children’s laughter … it’s heaven!

  4. Brooke says:

    Both you and Rama are naturals with all this baby stuff. I was so impressed with how each of you took to it so quickly and patiently with Calder.

    You are missed in Seattle!

  5. maria says:

    He’s so beautiful!

    You’ll make the sweetest mom someday.

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