tiny treasure
August 13, 2008
Me and Calder
I met Calder last week, and he is like nothing and everything I’d imagined. His eyes change from blue to gray and his skin from pink to brown. He has a million facial expressions. He is tiny and adorable and precious. And he seemed to change and grow so much in the five days that I spent with him.
I kept thinking, “If I already love this baby so much, how much more will I love my very own?”
On the last evening of my visit, Mom and I went upstairs to change Calder’s diaper. After changing him, then oohing and aahing over him, I picked him up from the table, rested him on my shoulder and walked toward the stairs. Just the day before, I was feeling clumsy and nervous. But already I was feeling more sure of myself.
“Maybe you are ready!” Mom said.
I nodded. Maybe I am.

ooooh! join the club girlfriend!
so beautiful!
oooh! he’s so cute; i’m wary of babies below 6 months; they seem so fragile. but i love the feeling of holding a baby in your arms, and the sound of children’s laughter … it’s heaven!
Both you and Rama are naturals with all this baby stuff. I was so impressed with how each of you took to it so quickly and patiently with Calder.
You are missed in Seattle!
He’s so beautiful!
You’ll make the sweetest mom someday.