wedding wrap-up: make it june
May 25, 2006Rama and I got engaged on May 1, 2005. We were on vacation in Portland, celebrating our 2-year anniversary. I had no idea that he’d be proposing to me that weekend, that I’d come home a bride-to-be. I was just happy to have made it as far as we had. I was in love.
My grandma was the first to hear the news. May 2nd was her birthday, so we called her in the Philippines from our hotel room. She was elated. “Are you saying this just because it’s my birthday?”
When I assured Grandma that it wasn’t a practical joke, that we were, in fact, getting married, she asked when the wedding would be. “I don’t know yet.”
She replied: “Make it June.”
“This June?” I exclaimed. “That’s next month!”
![]() Let’s Scram The Kennedy School makes hotel rooms out of old class rooms. We love the chalkboards. |
I thought getting engaged would relieve all kinds of pressure from my family, but I was wrong. We just got a new kind of pressure. We had been getting gentle shoves to get married, but now we were getting orders to have babies right away. Babies? We hadn’t even picked a date, yet! It was all overwhelming.
I’ve been in over a dozen weddings throughout my life, as a flower girl, bridesmaid and maid of honor, but nothing could have prepared me for being a bride. The only thing I knew for sure was I did not want to be a bridezilla. So I read a lot, I talked a lot, cried a lot and prayed a lot.
It saved me.
Throughout the planning, I received a lot of advice from a lot of people. Some of it helped. Some didn’t. What helped me the most, though, was remembering that the decision making and silly bickering, the nervous laughs and hopeful tears, the grand ideas and the doubtful reservations all came from the same placea place of love. While our parents, our family and our friends may not have had the same vision for the wedding, we all shared a genuine affection for one another. I knew we were off to a good start.

:) how lovely! congrats again!!
Yay! I can’t wait to see all the pictures!
congratulations to you both, missy mae! xoxo
C.O.N.G.R.A.T.U.L.A.T.I.O.N.S!.!.!.!.! I wish you a good life, full of wonderful experiences to share and a long long long long happy union.
Congratulations! I’m so happy for both of you!
I’m looking forward to hearing about the big day too. Hope you’re loving married life!
oooh, june 21st is the summer solstice/midsummer. i don’t know what date you’ve set but if you want it in june, that could be a really great one. simply because of all the traditions and folklore surrounding that holiday. my grandmother always said midsummer was a magical time, but weddings in general are magical at any time! :-)
such fabulous news! congratulations!!!!
Congratulations to both of you ! May this new path that begins for you come filled with Love, Happiness, Patience and Magic moments …. lots of them :-)
Requesting babies already?? I imagine that since you are now actually married, everyone might up the ante on the pestering. Buy some earphones NOW!! ;)
Thanks so much, everyone! There is more — stories & pictures — to come…