March 21, { border: solid 2px #000000; }
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Two and a half weeks later, and what do I have to show for it? One big to-do list slowly getting done, half of an a-line skirt sewn, a stack of wedding invitations, a pile of stuff for sale, a pile of stuff to pack, a happy client, a healthier me.
I keep telling myself to take it one day at a time and do the best that I can. If I do that much, I’m okay. I’m fine.
Thank goodness I have an army of support and love behind me. I am nourished by phone and email conversations with my girlfriends, dates with Rama, lunches with Rima and veg-out sessions at Mom & Dad’s house. I am fed by a steady stream of music, a stack of magazines and vanilla-almond tea.

“I am fed by a steady stream of music, a stack of magazines and vanilla-almond tea.”
I like the way you think.
i am fed by gourmet moon-pies and the memory of gourmet moon-pies.
me too!! (the last sentence). it sounds so poetic.
my motto: everything is in flow.
i first read it as “makeout sessions at mom and dad’s house”. hee hee
color lifts us, too. i love your happy client’s site as well. xo
hello again, thank you for your quick blog comment… just what i needed to hear. and i must ask sab about her bubbles… it’s a b-day synchronicity that we all share i think. creative spirits!