i’m a big kid, now
August 6, 2005There was a new guy, a boy in his early teens with thick brown hair and big teeth. Like a lot of teenagers, he had a short attention span and flitted from one person to another, starting stories but never finishing them.
“Where are the kids?” he said. I looked around to see many of my fellow volunteers, other people in their 20s and 30s, but not many other teens. Youth group in the summer is unpredictable. Sometimes, a couple dozen kids show up. Other times we’re lucky to get 10.
“We are the kids,” I said.
He thought I was trying to make a fool of him, but I wasn’t. When I hang out with these teenagers, stuffing popcorn and red vines into my mouth, telling silly stories and laughing at stupid jokes, I feel like the biggest kid of them all.

Awww…I miss you girls and guys!! We were a big bunch of kids, weren’t we? Esp when Pat found her entire team hanging out together instead of watching kids :)
Love ya!
Because I am an incredibly forgetful person (and I don’t have an RSS feed for this place), I often find myself coming heer after several months have passed, and catching up on posts all at once. Always great to see that you’re still here, happy, creative, growing, and changing, and always being a big kid.
i totally understand. i am friends with one of my old art students. she was my student from age 10 thru 14. now she is a volunteer. her step mom is exactly the same age as i am. i feel a little bit judged when i call to see if the 15 year old friend can go shopping at the mall with me, but i have no interest in being chummy with the step mom, who is just sort of mean. i relate to the 15 year old so much, we laugh and cry together and i just get her. whaddya gonna do?! she is my friend.
just wanted to leave a quick note to say hi and that i’ve been a fan of yr site for a whie now. as for being a big kid, the hardest part about being an aunt [or an adult in general] is that most of the time i forget that i’m supposed to be the adult around my siblings’ kids! =D
hi! this is a really cool site with a plethora of infos and pictures. the trip from the philippines reminded me of my family’s hometown and yes, the fresh fruits! the pictures of south CA reminded me of my home in san diego, before i crossed into the blue, the AF. keep it up and somehow you touch people’s lives without even knowing it. keep shining!
I totally hear you on the being a big kid thing! I’m the youth pastor’s wife, but I feel like I have more fun than the kids half of the time. I wrestle between being my kid and adult self ALL the time. It’s great to be an adult, but I hope I never outgrow the child-like (not childish!) fun that I have in life.