Hush little baby

June 19, 2003

i don’t normally like to dream out loud. i like to keep things secret until i know they are real. it’s a lack of confidence, maybe; a safety net because i think i might fall and i don’t want you to be there when it happens.

but i want to be braver.

the process is just as important as the outcome. we’re all looking for something, right? maybe if we look together, it will be easier to find the answers.


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  • I run a darling, friendly, little graphic design studio.
    I look on the bright side.
    I take photos. Lots of photos.
    I wish on stars and on websites.

  • I built my first web site 7 years ago and got 15 seconds of fame. (It changed my life.)
    I launched, then relaunched, an online magazine.
    I admitted to several embarrassing crushes.
    I consumed more bacon than any human should and lived to tell the tales.

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