about maganda.org
March 3, 2006 Hi. I’m Christine, and this is a slice of my life—a sweet, rich, wildly indulgent slice that would taste really good with a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream. I write because I’m delusional: I imagine things and I imagine people want to read them.
I have been keeping a web site in one form or other since 1999. I once likened it to the cabinets at my grandmother’s house. It’s jam-packed with all kinds of stuff. Some things are trash, others are treasure. Either way, I hope you enjoy exploring every nook and cranny.
about the site
The site is updated whenever I feel like it with the help of WordPress, iTunes and coffee. I also rely on the help of smart people for their expertise. Everything else, I owe to you. Unless I tell you otherwise, I drew the pictures and took the photographs throughout the site. (The portrait above, for example, was drawn by the marvelous Rama on a cocktail napkin in a dark bar, not me.) Please don’t steal my stuff or I’ll get cranky, and you don’t want to see me cranky. To see more of my illustration and design, please visit my darling little studio.
good things & everything else
I send a semiweeklyish email newsletter filled with good things and everything else that I want to share. If you want a dose of goodness (like this) in your life, enter your email address in this handy little form and click “yes, please.” If you want to unsubscribe for no good reason, enter your email address and click “no, thanks.”
how to contact me
1) Leave a comment.
2) Write me the old-fashioned way to:
Miss “Good Things” Castro
P.O. Box 773
Montrose, CA 91021-0773
3) Send secret messages via telepathy.
Note: I try to respond, but sometimes it takes longer than I’d like. Before you write, you may want to check out the F.A.Q. where I’ve tackled questions I get asked a lot, like “How do I build a web site?” and “What’s that pretty font you use?”
thank you
I find inspiration in many people, places and things. A few of these, who continue to inspire me and this site, are: my ridiculously amazing husband Rama Hughes, my wonderful family, a tribe of fiercely brave, incredibly talented and constantly inspiring ladies, Lynda Barry, Maira Kalman, Rosie Thomas, Story People, Don Francisco, and my friends, far and wide. Thank you. If at all this site ever shines, it’s because of you.