December 2009
in 2009
In 2009, I took lots of naps. I watched my body change before my very eyes. I wore stretchable jeans, loose tops and Birkenstocks. I ate a lot of In-N-Out burgers and Heath Bar ice cream. I watched daytime TV. I did yoga. I waddled. I woke up multiple times in the middle of many […]
Read more >>letter to henry : 4 months
Dear Henry, It’s late afternoon on a blustery and chilly day. You are sound asleep, and I am racing to get a few things done before you awake. This letter, already a day late, is one of them. When I think about your fourth month, the first thing that comes to mind is how much […]
Read more >>wish*full virtual art retreat
I am so excited to share a bit o’ news with you: I will be teaching next spring at the Wish*full Virtual Art Retreat, a one-of-a-kind online event. This retreat will feature workshops brought to you by 14 artists and teachers (some are dear friends, others are online muses, but all are inspiring), along with […]
Read more >>good things
I’m finally starting to fill my sketchbook with good things, little doodles & big ideas, again, after almost a year of rest. It feelsdare I say it?good.
Read more >>growing family
Over Thanksgiving weekend, my parents threw a party to celebrate the season and introduce our extended family to the little ones. It was just like old times: Their house was brimming with people and booming with laughter. It was the way we celebrated so many holidays and events over the years. Photo by Nadine As […]