
September 15, 2008

squam lake
At the edge of Squam lake, a sketchbook watercolor

For me, Squam was a beautiful and blessed chance to reconnect.

I reconnected with the earth. The sound of pouring rain against the rooftop, a million shades of green in a single tree, sunlight pouring through screened porch windows, stars, stars and more stars. (Yes, I realized. New England really is that gorgeous.) Surrounded by concrete and tangled in highways here in LA, it’s easy to feel claustrophobic and anxious. But walking among the towering trees and sitting beside the vast lake, I felt peace.

I reconnected with God. We had a nice chat one afternoon, just the two of us, as I wandered through the woods. Mostly, though, I just listened.

I reconnected with friends. It’s a blessing and a curse to know so many beautiful people who live far and away. Spending just a handful of days with such talented, funny, brave and lovely girls, though, fueled my heart and mind.

I reconnected with my 15-year-old self. More than once, I fell into a fit of giggles that made my cheeks and belly ache.

I reconnected with my dreams. I caught sight of those big and small plans I’ve scribbled so many times in the sky. Although they may have been quiet lately, they are in fact alive and well.

I am feeling alive and well.


  1. nina beana says:


    it was pretty amazing
    to meet your face.

    nina beana

  2. kim says:

    nature + art + friends = perfection!!

    so happy you got this time to reconnect


  3. bowb says:

    that is a wonderful painting.

  4. gem says:

    thank you for sharing sweet pieces of your SQUAM journey…the watercolor is beauty*full.

  5. Michelle says:

    sooo thrilled to hear you’re feeling good and refreshed–excellent developments can only come of this… speaking of which, i was just reading chocolate & zucchini and a recipe there made me think of your new adventures in ice cream. i thought this might interest you, too:

    bon appetit and big hugs,

  6. Elizabeth says:

    You are the earth goddess– seriously, EVERY time I looked at you, you were glowing— too awesome– what a pleasure to be near your magic energy– a la prochaine, baby!!

  7. Squam part. 1 « Sticking to the Point says:

    […] and roommate were lovely women and I exchanged cards and am now flickr friends with one lovely Cali girl, but most of my time was spent with a gang of women that are my […]

  8. melanie (wee) says:

    Christine!!!!!!! I LOVE love love that painting up top. I particularly love all the white space you left underneath… how the color hovers on the horizon and how your imagination is allowed to fill in the rest. I am SO kicking myself for not snatching your sketchbbok from your hands and having a boo thru. Why did I not boo thru your book?!!! And we didn’t have that portrait party we promised each other either… well, guess it will have to wait until we meet again!

    it was such a delight to meet you. and just so you know, I am following your super scientific prescription to a T.

  9. lisa s says:

    so glad – it sounds perfect!

  10. Swirly says:

    So, so happy we had to much time to laugh together and talk…it makes me realize how much I miss you and need to see you more often. xoxo

  11. Julie says:

    Great to hear you enjoyed yourself out there! I’m envious of your reconnected-ness. I feel like I need some of that myself!

  12. rebecca says:

    so glad to hear you were able to refuel yourself and your creativity at Squam :)

  13. boho girl says:

    oh how i love this painting.
    your talent floors me.
    sending you so much love!
    and a helmet.

  14. » squam art workshops… for families! says:

    […] will also be opportunities to take a class solo or explore our gorgeous surroundings. I had an amazing time at Squam two years ago, and I can only imagine how sharing the experience with my dear husband and […]

  • I'm Christine, and this is a slice of my life—a sweet, rich, wildly indulgent slice that would taste really good with a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream. Read more >>

  • I run a darling, friendly, little graphic design studio.
    I look on the bright side.
    I take photos. Lots of photos.
    I wish on stars and on websites.

  • I built my first web site 7 years ago and got 15 seconds of fame. (It changed my life.)
    I launched, then relaunched, an online magazine.
    I admitted to several embarrassing crushes.
    I consumed more bacon than any human should and lived to tell the tales.

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