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November 10, 2007

art on the floor

Today, I sat on a pretty patchwork quilt in my friend Sabrina’s back yard, a dreamy spot on the edge of a hill. We made art and told stories as we listened to music and books on tape. It was a gorgeous day, and it felt a little bit like we were in a movie.

There should be more of this, I thought.

More art, more messes, more sunshine and fresh air. More time with people I love.

I looked at Rama and thought, Someday, we’ll have a house like this, too, with a back yard and tall trees and flowers in bloom, with squirrels scurrying about and birds perched on branches, with enough space for art making or frisbee or barbecues. Someday.

For now, though, I’d settle for more days at the park.


  1. rama says:

    for now, the world will be our backyard. and the california sun… our barbecue.

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