the time is now
January 8, 2007I know I said “no resolutions” but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any hopes for the coming year. I do. I hope to find balance, I hope to stay present in every moment, I hope to laugh often, I hope to cry when necessary, I hope to give more and expect less.

One week into the year, and I am feeling good. I came home from Seattle with a cold, but I am almost all better. This morning, i caught up on work email and started to tackle the projects I’ve got in the queue. After dinner, I collaged in my moleskine and now I’m here. Filled with hope and ready for bed.

I think you gave me your cold! ;)
I’m happy the New Year is off to a fabulous start. xoxo
love this collage =) i need to buy a new moleskine pronto!