Beware these pinchers

February 25, 2005

I’ve said it before and today more than ever it’s true: I feel like an old lady when I think about the Web, how far it’s come, how long I’ve been publishing and playing on it and how much it’s changed my life. As of Monday, I will have devoted six years to this web site, which is, really, at its core, a diary with no locks or hiding place.

After checking out Ryan’s beautifully redesigned site and reading about his own web site’s start six years ago, I realize I’m probably not the only one who feels this way.

We gave birth to an idea, fed it time and energy, let it play with the other kids and watched it grow. We learned, we got recognized, we fell off the face of the earth and we always came back for more.

I imagine us old folks crowded on benches around the playground while our children run and slide and swing, musing how, even if our kids can sometimes be a real pain in the ass, we are so damn proud of them — and of us, for raising them.

We did something good. We built something, we made connections, we expressed ourselves, we fooled around, we gave each other hope in really trying times and we kept on going.

And, really, if I could, I would pinch each and every web site’s cheeks today because I think they are such beautiful little miracles of life.


  1. cici says:

    i’ve been visiting your site for over a year, but i missed out on the early excitement. are you going to redesign your site as well? please don’t say you’re done with personal sites!

  2. steph says:

    same as above! even the over a year part!

  3. Sarah says:

    This [] has always made me smile whenever I am in a slump. I’m still writing, but for me (well, and for my now-hubby [little love notes], and my little Molly [I write to her in a little journal so she can read it when she gets old enough to]), and those words you wrote to me that day really DID speak volumes. Thank you, Christine! Kudos to you!

  4. barbara says:

    your thoughts and comforting website has made me look at life differently.

    it’s opened up my eyes on the littlest most important thing of all – love. loving life. loving others and myself – and loving the things most people take for granted.

    i’ve been an avid reader for almost 4 years – thank you and keep up the great vibes christine :)

  5. angie says:

    ive been reading your blog for almost a year too. its a beautiful world that you let us see whenever i visit. i even linked your site to mine. keep up the good work.

  6. pinky says:

    Thanks for being an inspiration!

  7. ronnie says:

    My site’s about to turn 5- I’ve been watching yours for longer than mine has been around, and you’ve been a huge influence on my sense of style. So thanks! And happy web-birthday :)

  8. mr. cook says:

    Still slob-o-licious after all these years.

  9. penelope says:

    You’re so wonderful. I’d pinch your website’s cheeks right back. :)

    yay comments!

  10. grace says:

    i first saw your good things list on livejournal and then discovered even more.. thank-you :)

  11. Brianna says:

    No kidding, yay comments!

    I have to say, I feel just the same. I built my first personal site in 96, and came along shortly after. I look around and I think of where the “old crew” I knew is today, what they’re doing with the web, how important their past contributions were.

  12. muck says:

    i love your authentic writings – true to the heart! here is a quote that i love that you might enjoy – “when the right thing happens, your whole body knows it” (unknown). keep up the hard work!

  13. arlyn says:

    there’s something about this site that makes it different than the rest. i’ve never heard of the term slob-o-licious but i agree w/mr. cook. can i say drool-o-rama when it comes to this site? you write with love and it shows…

  14. Arwen says:

    I’ve only had my site for a couple years, but I’ve been making websites for about 6 years.

  15. Erma says:

    Happy 6th birthday Maganda! Maybe we’ll be able to see six more years? :)

  16. Ally says:

    Happy Birthday Christine and !
    Thank you for being like a cup of warm tea for the soul ,for working so hard for smiles and happy hearts in return….what goes around comes around….Many Blessings for you,sweetheart :-)

  17. jill says:

    i’ve been visiting your site (off and on) since the design with the photos in four squares. i’ve enjoyed your site and am impressed with Darling Studio. thanks for sharing and hope you continue to do so!

  18. stella says:

    this is belated i know but i totally agree with you.. even though i’m on the longest “hiatus” i’ve ever been i have always felt the same way about my “babies.” :) i think i’m feeling more inspired already. thanks to you. xo always.

  19. Meridian says:


  • I'm Christine, and this is a slice of my life—a sweet, rich, wildly indulgent slice that would taste really good with a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream. Read more >>

  • I run a darling, friendly, little graphic design studio.
    I look on the bright side.
    I take photos. Lots of photos.
    I wish on stars and on websites.

  • I built my first web site 7 years ago and got 15 seconds of fame. (It changed my life.)
    I launched, then relaunched, an online magazine.
    I admitted to several embarrassing crushes.
    I consumed more bacon than any human should and lived to tell the tales.

  • 5-Minute Crush
  • Baby Mama
  • Crafterrific
  • Field Trip
  • Good People
  • Good Things
  • Home Life
  • I Spy
  • Kitchenista
  • Newsflash
  • Shutterbug
  • Sketchbook
  • Special Delivery
  • Today
  • Worker Bee