Happy thought for the day
May 24, 2004I’m getting on a plane in a couple hours, and I miss you already. I’ll be gone for almost two weeks. While I’m gone, will you do me a favor? Tell me a good thing. Tell me twenty. Tell each other good things every day, like “That’s a nice shirt” or “You really listen to me and I appreciate it.” Even “please” and “thank you” make a world of difference.
In return, I’ll tell you good things about my trip when I get back. I’m certain there will be a long list to share.

have fun, christine! we’ll miss you dearly, but we know that you’ll return with wonderful insights and stories when you’re back. *hugs*
have a safe trip dear! =)
I love your blog, you have a fantastic outlook on life! I hope you have a great time on your trip. :-)
have a safe and enjoyable trip christine :) looking forward to craftiness when you return…and maybe some more cake and ice cream :)
have fun christine, i will miss you, we all will
my good thing involves you, one day as i moused my way up to close your blog after reading it, im sure as i moused over your ‘goodbye’ link, i saw my blog name flash up in the corner. even if it didnt really happen, it made me happy to think that you’d added me to your list. it made me feel special, and that is a good thing
Have a terrific and safe trip!
I know I’m a serious lurker, but I wanted to tell you to have to marvelous time.
I enjoy your webpage very much. I’m eager to read your thoughts after you return.
(Oh, thank you for introducing me to Rosie Thomas.)
Like the previous post, I too am a serious lurker.. for years!! I’ve always loved your entire site (including your mailing list) because of its goodness.. it never fails to put a smile on my face. Have a great trip!
It would be a great thrill to bump into you while you are in Manila. I am sure I would be too shy to say hi but I would still be giddy just to see you from the corner of my eye. I am such a fan of your positive thinking. Hope you enjoy your stay….
have a great time and a safe trip!!
i love your site…it makes me happy every day and reminds me to notice all the good things in my own life!
good things today…
1. the sun is comming out but the rain lulled me to sleeping all night
2. the first firefly or the season
3. getting ready to move my whole life to san francisco for an internship with sabrina ward harrison…small miracle and large adventure
3. fresh local strawberries that taste like they are dusted with honeysuckle dew
4. the unstoppable chatter of a good friend
5. long hikes
6. my peppermint shampoo waking me up every morning
…thanks christine!
Have a lot of fun Christine!
Good things:
my blog that YOU designed!
listening to Martine last night while I sat w/my trashy magazines
having dinner w/becky and julie
loving that you are off far away visiting family and having a blast!
enjoy :)
my girlfriend went on a trip and she left me a note for every day that she’ll be gone.
I like your page, I think there are so many wonderful things in our life but our eyes are closed, and we can`t see it. We must open our eyes to see that what God has for us…
BAY Have nice day!!!
Have a wonderful and safe trip. Have fun, can’t wait to hear all about it :)
Have fun sweetheart.
Came across your blog through AnP’s. Will wait for more entries when you get back! :)
good things: the smell of fresh brewed coffee early on a sunny morning, the promise and excitement of the summer’s first peony on the brink of exploding open…
:-) have a wonderful trip!!!
good things of the day:
revisitng the house you grew up in… filling a book full of things you want to do in your lifetime… sleeping in… letting go… making purses out of the most vibrant fabric.
have a great trip! I just dropped by your journal. hope u don’t mind if i put it in a link as one of my favorites.
I hope you have a wonderful trip. Also, I’ve been reading your website for…sheesh, three or four years now? And so, I just wanted to tell you that I’ve enjoyed everything. You have wonderful talents. :)
take care and enjoy!
come back now please. :)
yeah! please come back soon.
have fun!
hi. i am an eighteen year old girl. you are so inspiring. please write novels.
i would love to meet you but it’s such a long way. we’ll just have to have a cup of tea in a dream sometime.
i wish you lots of good things, have a lovely trip :)
a good thing is the way my best friend looks in a grey shirt. christine:
a good thing is the way my best friend looks in a grey shirt.
happy thought for the day:
you can always act like a kid when you’re in Disneyland – no questions asked.
Hope you’re having a wonderful vacation – you have been missed!
Good things for today: My two year old niece hugging me and whispering a secret in my ear – I love you Auntie.
Christine, we miss you! Come back soon.
good thing for the day: being told by a coworker that you would make an excellent daughter-in-law and that she would like to set you up with her son.
Hope your trip is going well, Christine.
I am thankful for your pictures and words, and for your sharing them.
You are a much-needed ray of hope and positivity.
I hope your secret is that you are publishing a book.
good things:
learning a new language
seeing a shooting star
chillin’ out with new acquaintances, while their siamese cats wind their way between your legs
a new blank notebook :o)
going away for a trip — have an enjoyable vacation! carpe diem!
I wrote a whole blog about Good Things!
check it out at http://www.moeyyo.com/MM/archives/000038.html
thanks for inspiring me, Christine!
garage sales, lemon poppyseed poundcake, glitter glue…
homemade cheesecake, teddybear bookmarks, thesauruses, colorful stamps, british boys, morrissey, i capture the castle.