How does your garden grow?
July 10, 2002standing on the grass, feeling the sprays of water splash my leg, holding the hose and pulling the trigger, i remembered a game i used to play when i was a little girl. i was an angel and i was raining on the shrubs and rose bushes and trees. i was forging rivers and making lakes in a muddy village that stretched from our driveway to the back corner of our house. i was feeding the plants that were desperately thirsty and i was drowning the ants, who just caused trouble, anyway.
now, i’m just watering plants. i’m soaking roots, pruning leaves and digging my fingers into the soil to make sure that they are getting what they need. i’m gardening, and the plants are growing, and sometimes this just makes me laugh because it is all so ridiculous and marvelous that i could do this, that anyone could do this, that we can help life along.