a fresh start

July 23, 2010

Over 10 years ago, I started my first website. There weren’t a lot of personal sites back then, and certainly no blogs, but the handful of sites that I did know inspired me to start my own. I wrote about my days, sharing stories and musings, photos and art, anything and everything. I met incredible people, many who have become dear friends and one who even became my family. The website changed my life.

It has acted as a playground for writing and design, two of my favorite past-times. I have redesigned and reinvented it over the years, and it has served me well.

But lately, I’ve been dreaming of a new kind of place. A place where I can still chronicle my life, but somewhere I feel comfortable talking about work, too. Somewhere I can share all the inspiration I find on the web and in my neighborhood. And somewhere I can introduce the people I want you to meet.

So I dreamed up a new blog, Brunch. If we can’t gather around my table over a cup of coffee, at least we can connect there in that space.

Thank you so much for your friendship and support all these years. I hope you’ll come see me at my new home.

xo Christine

p.s. While I will no longer be updating this site, the archives will remain available for, like, ever.


  1. Cat says:

    yayyyyyy, new site! I’ve been reading Maganda.org since I was in high school – excited to see more of your work.

  2. rama says:

    i am going to miss you, maganda.org.
    you were my favorite destination on the web.
    but i am already twitterpated by brunch!
    i am so excited to read more.

  3. Macy says:

    Yours was one of the few sites I loved and visited regularly for over a decade! (: Always listed maganda.org as an “inspiration.” Will definitely have Brunch on my feed!

  4. Michelle says:

    Congratulations! Beautiful new site! While Maganda will always be in my heart, it’s a pleasure to meet the lovely new Brunch… So proud of you, lady!

  5. Jon says:

    Longtime follower and reader and off to the new site!

  6. Lourdes says:

    I found maganda.org in 2001 and fell in love with it. Your writing has always captured and inspired me. I’m sad to see this end but I’m also happy you’ve decided to continue to allow everyone to join your journey through Brunch. Can’t wait to see what lies in store for you, Cristine! Good luck!

  • I'm Christine, and this is a slice of my life—a sweet, rich, wildly indulgent slice that would taste really good with a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream. Read more >>

  • I run a darling, friendly, little graphic design studio.
    I look on the bright side.
    I take photos. Lots of photos.
    I wish on stars and on websites.

  • I built my first web site 7 years ago and got 15 seconds of fame. (It changed my life.)
    I launched, then relaunched, an online magazine.
    I admitted to several embarrassing crushes.
    I consumed more bacon than any human should and lived to tell the tales.

  • 5-Minute Crush
  • Baby Mama
  • Crafterrific
  • Field Trip
  • Good People
  • Good Things
  • Home Life
  • I Spy
  • Kitchenista
  • Newsflash
  • Shutterbug
  • Sketchbook
  • Special Delivery
  • Today
  • Worker Bee