October 2006
goodbye, jackie
Today, I said goodbye to Jackie, a cousin of mine who died last week of lung cancer. She was only 29. Although Jackie and I weren’t very close, she is a part of many childhood memories. The Easter we spent in the mountains, hunting for Easter eggs inside the cabin while the boys made snowmen […]
Read more >>ethan
My 6-year-old nephew Ethan is in the hospital right now. He has suffered damage to his heart, and he will be in the Pediatric ICU until he gets a heart transplant. In the meantime, he is on a steady dose of medication that is keeping him stable. When my parents and I visited Ethan last […]
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There are so many stories. The lady who speaks to us about being homeless on the streets of Santa Monica. One day, she’s cooking for celebrities. The next, she’s on the streets, looking for food. The 5-year-old boy who gets a new costume for Halloween. In the dimly lit strip mall parking lot, he shows […]
Read more >>where i’ve been
• Entertaining (read: playing, laughing, eating and being merry with) our first houseguest and dear friend Debby • Searching for the perfect table lamp • Hanging out with my favorite group of teenagers • Spending time with my dad while Mom’s away • Watching way too much television • Designing web sites, Evites, logos and […]