circus act
January 31, 2006The weekend was filled with movie watching, cake tasting, wedding planning, baby ogling, road tripping, family shuttling and somehow also couch surfing. And now, this week: a lot more of the same, with a healthy dose of deadline meeting mixed in. I feel a little like the girl teetering on the tower of circus performers, hoping for balance, calm, and a safe landing.

don’t forget to have a few minutes of “me” time. a quiet time to soak in every beautiful moment you had.
christine, you are like a cat–you will always land on your feet even if you DO fall!
i am always impressed by your juggling.
Remember there is always a safety net below you, my dear.
b sure 2 fall n the cotton candy! i got my yummy cd-thank u, i just keep it on retreat. u r so good with goodies. goodie good! xoxo
i meant to say repeat”!! silly zombie…
even when you’re overwhelmed you are witty and cute and balanced seeming!
we want to hear all about the wedding planning! is it going to be a kooky loving reflection of you and rama?! or more traditional?!would love to hear more about what it has been like for you and all. i got engaged on friday and i have been really surprised at the rudeness of women grabbing my hand and bringing my ring up to their eyeball for inspection, like the diamond is a sybol of your worth.