badass mutha
January 26, 2006I’ve been feeling kind of badass lately, knocking things off my to-do list, cleaning up my act and space, getting organized, even staying up past midnight. Even a total moment of creative crisis late last night somehow fueled me to keep going.
I don’t know where this energy, motivation and confidence is coming from, but I like it. I like not wanting to take a nap in the middle of the day because I’ve got envelopes to screenprint, a client to write back and a load of laundry to put into the dryer.
* * *
In other news, my dear Tonia is having her baby tonight (the last of the new generation of girls, for now)! All baby prayers, wishes and good vibes are appreciated. I am so excited.

GOOD FOR YOU! doing something different from your regular routine is always refreshing :)
wear your bikinis in the house – that is what i would do if it wasn’t so damn cold here in dc!
ooh..i want to knock things off my to-do list, too. a list which consists only of three things: thesis, thesis, thesis.
i want to sing the golden girls theme song for tonia.
that link made me so happy and sad.
Reading that just made me grin ear to ear.
glad to hear the creativity is bubbling over and you’re feeling productive!
lots of luck to tonia for a speedy delivery of her little one :)
yay! btw miss badass, how do you bold letters in comments anyway?! you so tricky.
Rock on with the creative goodness. I’ve got a to-do list a mile long and I’m planning on transforming into Ms. Badass myself this weekend. Take care. :)