scavenger hunt
January 24, 2006Over the weekend, Rama and I got roped into a lunchtime party at a Chinese restaurant. The food was great, but we didn’t know that many people and we were preoccupied with all the to-do’s we weren’t checking off our list.
In my MSG-comatose state, I leaned over to Rama and whispered, “I’m bored.”
“Me too,” he admitted.
Rather than letting me wallow or whine, though, Rama came up with a brilliant idea: A photo scavenger hunt. On a piece of paper, he scrawled six items I had to photograph in 6 minutes.
I darted off with my camera, dodging tables and chairs, and snapped all the shots I needed. It was so much fun.
You can see the rest of the shots here.

You got yourself a good one, missy. :)
Hi Rama!
Rama rocks.
What a genius idea. There’s nothing like a time limit or deadline to get the creative juices flowing.
hello! thank you for the comments on flickr + my blog! (I think Francis + Th
i think that’s really thoughtfully sweet of your man. :)
good day!
Oops. I didn’t mean to post three times. (smiles sheepishly)
now four.
Maybe I just love you.
That’s a great idea for a photo project. I need to come up with my own list.
how fun!
i am pretty awesome.
hey! (rolls collar up. wiggles thumbs like the fonz.)
Go Rama! I’ll have to steal that idea the next time I’m bored at a family function!
i love this! you two are so fucking cute and sweet and creative. damn you to greatness! xoxoxoxo