January 17, 2006We shared so many stories, dreams and lessons, but the one that rings loudest in my ears is Trust. I hold so tightly to the way I want things to fit, work, act, react and behave, that I don’t just let it be. Why is that?
Why is it so hard for me to trust myself, my process and my abilities and yet so easy for me to trust others/others’? Thank goodness for Andrea spilling water on my journal when I was just about to start a collage. It was like a direct message from God saying, “Okay. Now the pages are not so precious. Now you can just get to work.”
I am ready to get back to work, and I don’t just mean the deadlines to meet, the business to run and the wedding to plan. I mean the real workthe good stuffthat first convinced me I had a story to tell in the first place. I want to dig deeper and see clearer, and for the first time in a long time I think I can do that.

Yes to digging deep. It feels good, even if it is scary.
i believe you can do it.
“…that first convinced me I had a story to tell in the first place.”
wow…i truly resonate with this.
inspiration is really spilling out of you. so cool to see this.
digging deeper and seeing clearer is a good enterprise to be in. i have no doubt you will exceed your expectations. LOVE
I am weepy…and so very, very excited for you.
i hope you will share some of the beauty and the magic and the special details of your wedding and wedding planning! you are so inspiring, i like to picture it! love to you!
fuck yes!!!
come over to the dark side Luke.
(that was partly for Rama.)
(now I’m giggling.)
I believe in you.
You inspire me every day and I’m so happy to know you. :)
this is a big one, i am constantly trying to trust more in the process and less in the outcome. hard stuff! xoxo
thanks for sharing YOU…i need little reminders like this…
have a beautiful day~jill
i KNOW exactly how you feel. i struggle with the same feelings every now and then. it is our biggest challenge to ignore those loud noises in our head and just do it! go deep girl.
how come you always say the things that i exactly feel at the same time.. amazing thoughts dear christine!
it took me awhile to trust myself – sometimes i continually push myself in believing in it too – remembering my self worth.
you inspire me in many ways and thank you for sharing your beautiful self.
how come your website is my favorite thing to read and i check it SEVERAL TIMES each lunch break just to see if you’ve updated it, and when you haven’t, i go hunting through the archives for something that i don’t know about you yet? how come?
p.s., i miss you.
p.p.s., i sense a presence… one that i’ve not felt since… KERI SMITH! the force is strong in that one!