November 16, 2005What is it about these autumn months that has kept me so quiet? Maybe it’s the weatherthe coolness that inspires cups of tea and a good book. Maybe it’s the festivities that surround this time of yearthe baby showers, the birthday celebrations, the holidays that keep me driving all around town. Or maybe I’m just getting shy in my older age. I don’t like to talk as much as I used to.
Whatever the reason, I decided today I’d speak up. I’d say hi.
So, hi.
I’m drinking a cup of afternoon coffee and printing holiday cards. It’s 80-something degrees out, but I’ve got Christmas on the brain. I’ve already gotten a stash of gifts beneath my desk and a list of more to buy. It seems soon, I know, but a week from tomorrow is Thanskgiving, and we all know how Christmas always sneaks up right after that. This year, I’m gonna be ready when it does.

Hee hee – I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the HOT – not warm – weather around the holidays in California.
Hi yourself. ;)
It’s actually been cold here, which is making it easier to think about my own holiday cards. But still, cold! buhhh
sorry i missed you in LA:(
i just peeked at your shirts and i love. must have. will put on my x-mas list!
wamr christmas? i don’t know if i could deal with that.i think that winter in seattle is simply made for coffee and reading. maybe you should visit?
i just read your journal so i wanted to say hello and that i feel this strange anticipation for christmas as well. its a sneaky thing, it always comes so much quicker than you think it would but it never is as much of a deal as you think it will be. funny how that works….
I’ve re-read Narnia too, getting ready before the movie goes out. I can’t wait for Christmas because this time, I’m spending it with my family back home in PH. I’m counting the days!! :)
happy turkey day dear. neat site.
the chronicles of narnia is awesome! i can’t wait till the movie comes out=) yup, christmas is just around the corner. time flies sooooo fast…
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Hey, isn’t it your birthday today? It is, right?
Because in that case, Happy Birthday!
(If not, and I’m wrong, Happy Eventual Birthday.)