Top secret mission revealed
December 21, 2004 For the past two months, I’ve been leading a double life. The first life as Christine, the girl. The second as Christine, the spy. For Rama’s 30th birthday this past Sunday, I put together a comic book, compiling artwork, stories and letters from his family and friends, most of whom I have never met. It was a pretty gigantic feat, and it was a complete surprise. I opened a new e-mail account that Rama would never see me use, I had covert phone meetings with his mom without him knowing, and I made secret trips to my p.o. box a few times a week, stashing away the contributions I received.
The past week was the height of my secretive behavior. In order to put the book together, I had to steal Rama’s photo album from his closet, dodge some of his phone calls, say “no” to some plans, and, most difficult, stop myself from squealing with total utter excitement because the book was looking so much better than I thought it would. Luckily, I kept my cool and the mission was accomplished: When Rama opened the comic book on Sunday, he was stunned. He’d had no idea that any of this was going on, and he was amazed with the final product.
Now that that’s over, I can turn my focus back on Christmas. This morning, I sent the last of my holiday cards. Tonight, I wrap the last of the gifts and lay them beneath the tree. This weekend, I get to see what Santa has in store for me. (I feel as giddy as I did when I was 5!)
My wish for you is that Santa brings some surprises your way and that, regardless of how you do or don’t celebrate, your heart is filled with so much merriment.