Early summer
May 10, 2004The days are swirling with activity, and I feel summer breathing down my neck.
It seems like yesterday that I was making plans for the oh-so-distant months of June, July and August. Now it’s mid-May, soon I’m going to the Philippines and soon after that I am going to work on a new project that I’m not yet at liberty to discuss.
There’s much too much to do. That’s probably why all I feel like doing is eating a gigantic banana split while I watch Six Feet Under re-runs.

Oh, I know what you mean – all I feel like doing is curling up under the trees at the park near my house and sleeping forever!
Happy travels..
mmm… six feet under…
mmm… banana split…
you’re coming home to the pinas? wow. welcome home. i’m excited for you. where’s your hometown? :)
mid-may…whoa! how did that happen!?
I can relate…tons of little projects and things to do – but all I want to do is lay on the beach, sip lemonade, listen to the ocean and watch the people go by…
Yummmmm … banana splits. Gotta love them :) Summer did come rather quickly but so does everything else in life.
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