27 november 1999 | back | archive | forward

like old times, we spread our blankets and pillows on the bedroom floor. of course, carrie fell asleep during the movie and awoke as the credits rolled. when she proved clueless as to what had happened, melissa and i began to giggle, giggles that turned into snorts, snorts that turned into hysterics. the floor was just as comfy as it was then, and we remembered how we worried we might never be kissed and promised to tell each other everything, always. our conversation crescendoed into laughter and descended into silence, both of which were comforting and familiar. but instead of crush objects and high school dances, we talked about fiancés and weddings. instead of deciding what to major in and what college to go to, we discussed possible career paths and places to live. and not once did mom walk in to tell us it how late it was and that we should be asleep already. at 3 am, we could feel our thoughts slowly fading and the sleep tugging our eyelids, and we fell asleep, me under my down comforter, carrie on the living room sofa and melissa curled up on the floor at the foot of my bed, in perfect teenage slumber.

a gigantic bunch of lillies and daisies for $5 from the old, indonesian man at the saturday market. he said he liked me and flashed a crooked, tender smile.

stubborn. again. but why should i call her when she's completely forgotten i exist?

sleepy.org still. which reminds me, it's time to go to bed.

the music from kismet, muzak-style. it was the only musical i was ever in.

the word woo sticks, for some reason.

e-mail me, sometime. wink, wink. send e-mail to christine@maganda.org.