15 august 2000 |
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he is leaving monday on a trip to anywhere.
i don't know if he realizes how amazing it sounds. how completely exciting and romantic and inspiring and frightening it sounds. one month on the road with a truck filled with gas, a backpack stuffed with enough clean underwear and enough cash and maps and courage to get by. it's what novels are made of.
the way my friend greg announced it, i felt like a girl in a faraway land in a time long ago.
"i will not hear from you then, i guess, while you are gone?"
"maybe not. i'll send you mail, but i'll be unfindable."
lots of space.
"grizzly bears."
"yes," i said. "those, too."
"is that a question or a song lyric?"
"no, that's a question."
"you mean to leave LA?"
"to leave, a lot."
"i have not lost the desire. i'm just trying to do what's right."
"i know."
"i have no clue, really, what i should be doing on this earth. none. so i see what opportunities i get and take the ones that make the most sense. and if there are no opportunities then i have to believe there is
a reason for that."
i've had many adventures of my own: i've traveled to far-off places and done several things my own parents have never even done. but today, greg is my hero. my holden caulfield, my thelma and louise, my jack kerouac. he's my favorite novel, and i can't wait to see how it ends.
inspired: tonight, one last hurrah with my roommate, michelle. well, not "last" as in never will we hang out again, because we most certainly will. just not in a while, perhaps, as she is off on her own adventure to grad school on friday. you haven't known sweet unless you've known michelle.
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